Latest Articles
- By Sophie Pinkoski
Beneath the joy and relief that follow your first days of retirement comes a particular sense of loss. As a CEO, you’ve dedicated your life to leading an organization...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
After two years of delaying transitions to accommodate the ongoing pandemic crisis, outgoing leaders are finally taking the leap and moving on. Executive outplacement...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
In February 2020, Zip Recruiter recorded 22,072 job openings for C-Suite positions. Merely three months later, these numbers plummeted to 9,301 as the pandemic took hold. April...
- By Jane Halford
The pandemic has been hard on all of us and our organizations. In addition to keeping safe and surviving, the strain between CEOs and their boards is starting to show. If...
-By Sophie Pinkoski
How many of us could have predicted, let alone prepared for, the eventuality of a world-wide pandemic? An event like this is sometimes referred to as a black swan: so rare, it...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
Back in 2020, the world experienced a shift in innovative thinking. Without any warning, we were thrust into a global crisis that required us all to think on our feet to keep...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
For so long now, we’ve been operating in crisis mode, responding to emergencies keeping us from moving forward with our lives.
Remaining caught up in a holding pattern...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
Throughout the pandemic, we have become far more attentive toward mental health in our professional lives. But a crucial aspect of maintaining mental health often...
-By Sophie Pinkoski
Throughout the pandemic, we have especially adapted to communicate with one another almost exclusively in a digital capacity. While shifting from in-person to virtual meetings...
-By Sophie Pinkoski
A common struggle for any leader is how to find and sustain momentum throughout your day. This is particularly challenging for CEOs, whose sheer amount of responsibilities can...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
As a new CEO, it’s tempting to start taking action as soon as you start. But it’s important to acknowledge that you won’t know everything right off the bat.
...-By Sophie Pinkoski
A 2018 study by Harvard Business Review revealed that on average, CEOs work 62.5 hours a week.
CEOs often fall into the assumption or expectation that overworking...
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