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Set the bar - safe meetings physically and psychologically governance transition leadership transition Jul 27, 2021

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As we ease into a sense of normalcy again with the availability of vaccinations, many are beginning to plan their first in-person meetings.

People are no doubt equal parts...

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Protect Your Joy leadership transition Jul 19, 2021

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Since March 2020, we have all had to make sacrifices in order to keep each other safe. In doing so, however, we have learned to adapt in a way that makes it difficult to...

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Come Together as a Team leadership transition Jul 13, 2021

By Maite G. Latorre

When undertaking a major initiative like starting a new organization, teams rely on diverse, highly qualified individuals to thrive. For some initiatives teams are ...

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Iā€™m Not Okay is Okay! An Empathetic Return to the OfficeĀ  leadership transition Jun 29, 2021

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Despite the fact that restrictions are easing and economic recovery incentives are gradually bringing people back to work, we can expect the pandemic to impact us for years to...

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Fire Up, Don't Burn Out leadership transition Jun 15, 2021

- By Sophie Pinkoski

After spending so long working from home, on one thing we can all agree: the pandemic is wearing us down. While we’re in a constant state of see-sawing between good news...

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Combatting Bias in Remote Work leadership transition Jun 08, 2021

- By Sophie Pinkoski

According to a Harvard Business Review study in July 2020, 38% of leaders worldwide believe remote workers perform worse than those working in office....

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Hybridizing the Workplace leadership transition Jun 01, 2021

By Sophie Pinkoski

Hybrid Work Models 

As we see pandemic restrictions lifted and places reopen, many people can’t wait to “get back to normal”. Yet with everything...

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Strategy Refresh for 2022 governance transition May 25, 2021

- By Maite G. Latorre

Despite the fact that we are all dealing with the same pandemic on a global scale, boards and CEOs have been faced with a different reality of how to adapt the organization's...

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The Virtual Leader: Getting to Know Your Team's Local Culture Remotely leadership transition May 17, 2021

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Over the past year, the pandemic has brought about unprecedented change to the way we conduct our work.

"Many new leaders have never met their team in person, and some may...

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Inclusivity for Boards ā€“ Whatā€™s My Role? governance transition May 11, 2021

- By Jane Halford

Recently, I was preparing to teach a governance course on board performance. I found many articles making the case for diversity on boards, but what I didn’t find easily is...

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Be Ready for an Emergency leadership transition May 04, 2021

- By Jane Halford

2020 taught all of us important lessons. For your organization, one of those is to better prepare for unexpected absences or departures of your leaders. We all have known people...

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Mission, Vision & Values - Not Just Wallpaper leadership transition Apr 13, 2021

-By Sophie Pinkoski

As a new leader, it’s critical to understand the fundamentals of your organization. Although you studied them during the recruitment process, do you know their history and...

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