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Executive Skills Strengthen Strategy leadership transition Mar 13, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Every successful organization is powered by a strong executive team. As the backbone of any organization, the executive team is responsible for decision-making, goal setting,...

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Knowledge Transfer Through Storytelling leadership transition Mar 05, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Storytelling has been a universal mode of communication throughout human history. Narratives build out context through characters and the conflicts they experience to...

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Skill Building for a Resilient Team leadership transition Feb 28, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

In the dynamic landscape of 2024, skill development has become a critical priority for organizations adapting to rapid change. With the World Economic Forum predicting that...

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Disruptions Driving Governance Trends of 2024 governance transition Feb 21, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

The 2020s has been marked as a decade of profound disruption. Now that the immediate urgency of the pandemic has passed, boards have the responsibility to ensure the...

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Beyond the Boardroom: Communicating With Your Board ceo transition planning strategies governance transition tips for a board transitioning a ceo Feb 14, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As a CEO transitioning into a new role, one of the most crucial partnerships they will have is with the board of directors. Recognizing the value offered will accelerate the...

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Build Your Legacy By Lifting Up Your Team leadership transition Feb 08, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Coming to the end of their tenure, many leaders reflect on the legacy they want to leave behind. But contrary to what one may expect, building a legacy isn’t a task...

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Embracing Doubt to Make Better Decisions leadership transition Feb 01, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Galileo once said that doubt is the father of all invention. As a new CEO, embracing doubt is a crucial step toward effective decision making. Every decision you make comes...

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Your First 100 Days as CEO: Making Them Count leadership transition Jan 25, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

First impressions are the cornerstone of your journey as a new CEO. How you use your time in the first 100 days of your tenure shapes the trajectory of the next three to five...

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From Peer to Leader: Changing Dynamics in Your Team leadership transition Jan 17, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Embarking on the journey from peer to leader can be a daunting experience. Your organization reaps plenty of benefits from hiring you internally as their new leader....

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The Invaluable Resource of the Board & CEO Relationship governance transition Jan 09, 2024

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Does the board and CEO relationship truly drive an organization's success? In a recent survey, McKinsey managed to narrow down six key factors behind a successful leader...

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Maximizing Holiday Downtime: A Leader's Guide to Refresh and Reset leadership transition Dec 20, 2023

- By ChatGPT (Edited by Jane Halford)

As the year winds down, leaders and board members often find themselves caught in the whirlwind of closing out projects, finalizing budgets, and planning for...

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Predictions for a Resilient New Year leadership transition Dec 13, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As we step into 2024, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the year ahead. Existing and emerging trends for the coming year demand not just adaptation, but proactive...

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