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Individuals of All Abilities Succeed Together leadership transition Aug 03, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As we work toward creating fully inclusive work environments, we can reflect on lessons learned from the pandemic. Many leaders pivoted their organizations to enable their...

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Building Your Personal Brand leadership transition Apr 19, 2023

- ChatGPT (with edits by Jane Halford)

As a CEO, executive, or entrepreneur your personal brand is important to your success. A strong personal brand can help you stand out from the competition,...

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Listening to Understand in Board Discussions governance transition Apr 13, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As chair of a board, it’s tempting to come into meetings as a problem solver, but it’s important to take a step back and remember that decision-making in the...

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Inclusive Boards Drive Engagement governance transition Mar 29, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

The most effective boards are ones that understand how each individual adds value to discussions and the decision making process. When board members have a strong sense of...

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Encourage All Board Members to Contribute governance transition Mar 23, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski 

In recent years, diversity has become a top priority for board recruiting. As recently as 2017, McKinsey statistics have indicated that women and people of...

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Make Your In-Office Days Count leadership transition Mar 15, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As the urgency of the current pandemic situation subsides, many people are returning to the office for some work days. However, returning to pre-pandemic office normalcy...

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Bridging Expectation Gaps Between You and Your Team leadership transition Mar 08, 2023

-By Sophie Pinkoski

As many organizations continue to adapt how they work, the disconnect between leader priorities and their team members’ needs has become more apparent than ever....

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Challenging Unconscious Biases for a Inclusive Workplace leadership transition Mar 02, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

When it comes to assessing your team’s work, it’s a far simpler process to evaluate those working with you in the office. As a result, leaders must be intentional...

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Engaging Remote Workers in Your Office Culture leadership transition Feb 22, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

Many organizations have begun bringing their teams back into the office at least part time now that we have a better understanding of covid health risks. With the preference of...

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Trust Builds Your Organizationā€™s Future leadership transition Feb 16, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

It’s been many years since the pandemic first changed the way we view the world. With it came an uncertainty for what the future holds, a notion we still grapple with...

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Build Your Leadership, Build Your Team leadership transition Feb 08, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

According to a Gallup survey, only 10% of people naturally possess leadership qualities. What’s more, in a 2016 employee engagement poll, Gallup found that 82% of people...

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Leadership Styles to Promote Psychological Safety leadership transition Feb 01, 2023

- By Sophie Pinkoski

As we begin to rebuild our 2023 workforce, it’s becoming clear that the traditional leadership styles we’re used to need to be improved. The authoritative...

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