Latest Articles
- By Sophie Pinkoski
The rise of remote and hybrid work over the years has proven that we are resilient and capable of so much more than we anticipated before the pandemic changed the professional...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
In today's world we are beginning to see a shift toward workers becoming more confident and assertive in expressing their needs within the workplace. This comes as a...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
As we work toward creating fully inclusive work environments, we can reflect on lessons learned from the pandemic. Many leaders pivoted their organizations to enable their...
- ChatGPT (with edits by Jane Halford)
As a CEO, executive, or entrepreneur your personal brand is important to your success. A strong personal brand can help you stand out from the competition,...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
As chair of a board, it’s tempting to come into meetings as a problem solver, but it’s important to take a step back and remember that decision-making in the...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
The most effective boards are ones that understand how each individual adds value to discussions and the decision making process. When board members have a strong sense of...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
In recent years, diversity has become a top priority for board recruiting. As recently as 2017, McKinsey statistics have indicated that women and people of...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
As the urgency of the current pandemic situation subsides, many people are returning to the office for some work days. However, returning to pre-pandemic office normalcy...
-By Sophie Pinkoski
As many organizations continue to adapt how they work, the disconnect between leader priorities and their team members’ needs has become more apparent than ever....
- By Sophie Pinkoski
When it comes to assessing your team’s work, it’s a far simpler process to evaluate those working with you in the office. As a result, leaders must be intentional...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
Many organizations have begun bringing their teams back into the office at least part time now that we have a better understanding of covid health risks. With the preference of...
- By Sophie Pinkoski
It’s been many years since the pandemic first changed the way we view the world. With it came an uncertainty for what the future holds, a notion we still grapple with...
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