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Transparency Wins

leadership transition Sep 21, 2021

- By Jana Al Hammouri

In the pandemic world you’re either constantly receiving an overwhelming amount of information, receiving some information, but not nearly enough, or, in most cases, you are left with radio silence about what, why, when and how things are happening. 

Communication is vital in all aspects. Whether by asking someone how they’re doing or informing your team about the next steps, productivity is not achieved without proper and clear communication. 

Communication is an essential feature in your organization. Your leadership credibility is constantly judged based on your outreach. Whether within your organization, amongst your employees, or externally with your audience and stakeholders, your credibility sets the tone for your reputation, approaches, and environment overall. 

You can drive confidence and certainty into your messaging.

You need to know what, when, where, and how to convey assurance and credibility into your communication. 

Communication needs to have intention. No matter the organization, incorporating a sense of purpose and practicality into your messaging and communication will translate into confidence and stability. 

So ask yourself, “how is what you’re putting out positively influencing your engagement?” Are you communicating clearly in a way that both resonates with and informs your audience? How can your communication be approved? Your reputation is often based on your first engagement efforts, so make them count. 


Further Reading:

Howard, C. (2021, January 27). Reset your business strategy in COVID-19 Recovery. Gartner. Retrieved September 21, 2021, from https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/reset-your-business-strategy-in-covid-19-recovery.


See full discussion paper ahttps://www.halford.co/transparency-wins-discussion-paper 

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