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Keep Running

leadership transition Aug 11, 2021

- By Jana Al Hammouri

With current variants spreading rapidly and new ones popping up, corporate leaders and executives of organizations are losing sight of where the pandemic is at and where the organization stands.

Navigating the shifting landscape of COVID-19 and its effects on the workplace have never been more complicated.

Not knowing what, where or when to publish or produce messages, being unable to predict the reactions and results of your organization, and not having control over the aspects you used to are just some of the many things filling up the plates of leaders nowadays.

What's important is to remain aware of the situation, your position, and the impact on your organization. This can be done through articulating the circumstances, their effects, and what you will do.

Recognize the legitimacy of managing messaging - Especially in rapidly evolving dilemmas such as economic crises, organizational overturn, and even to the extent of global pandemics, it's crucial for leaders to communicate early and often, and with empathy, honesty, and transparency — even when you don't have all the answers.

Know yourself, know your audience - Knowing yourself, the audience's possible reactions, and the steps and strategies you will take to lead effectively through these situations. Wanting to seem authentic while showing vulnerability with integrity is becoming more challenging. The issue in question then seems to be: when is it okay to show vulnerability and how? Additionally, what do you offer to depict vulnerability, situationally, without undermining your own credibility? Although you might not have all the answers now, you're working diligently on getting them, and executing them effectively.

Keep running! The pandemic finish line may constantly be moving and may never end up in one place, but you're getting closer to crossing it.  Keep talking as you run.  You and your organization will benefit.


See the full discussion paper at https://www.halford.co/keep-running-discussion-paper






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