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Roll Out the Blueprint: Building Your Personal Brand in 5 Easy Steps

leadership transition Mar 09, 2021

-By Sophie Pinkoski

Did you know that studies have found global executives attribute 45% of their company’s reputation to that of their CEO? 

"It’s becoming more and more crucial for CEOs to define their personal brand to elevate the brand of the organization."

As a new CEO, your team will need to know what makes you tick – who you are, what you do, and why you do it. These insights will inspire the tone and style of all communications materials they produce (such as announcements, activities, photos, and videos) to showcase what you have to offer to your stakeholders.

The thing is… defining your personal brand can be difficult. 

"It takes some strategy, breaking down what this means to you into manageable pieces."

Here are some aspects to consider when defining your personal brand:

Leadership Style – Your leadership style is often challenging to pin down on your own, so don’t be afraid to ask the people who know you best! They can help you identify unique aspects of your personality that shape your professional style. A good way to think about your leadership style is to consider what you have found that consistently works for you when working with others. Collecting up these qualities that you and others have identified will give you a well-rounded notion of your leadership style.

Personal Values – Your values make up the core of who you are. They lead and inform your actions and decisions. Prioritize what is most important to you and live those values in everything you do! This will help maintain your personal compass, especially when choosing what is most worthy of your time and energy.

Strengths – Your strengths are what you know you do well. Come back to those people who know you best. What do they see as your biggest assets? Your team should be made aware of your skills and expertise so they can highlight you as not only a specialist, but a go-to person in your organization.

Passions – Your passions are the activities you find most rewarding – what motivates and drives you. Building on your strengths, what are you naturally good at and what do you want to do more of during your tenure in your new position? When your team knows what energizes and excites you, it makes it easier for them to identify opportunities to help you pursue those passions. Integrating your passions in what you do will bring enthusiasm, engagement, and inspiration to your team as a whole. This is infectious energy worth harnessing to maintain momentum in your team.

Future contributions – You may be only at the start of your tenure now, but think ahead to your future. What do you wish to achieve in your role? When you eventually leave, what do you hope people say you’ve contributed? Work backwards and piece together what you and your team must do to make your lasting impression a reality.

If you’re in the midst of introducing yourself to a new team, we’ve made it easy for you to identify your own personal brand with a simple worksheet.

Access now - Personal Branding Worksheet


Interested in more resources?  Here are our recommendations: 

Three Tactics for Building Your Personal Brand as a CEO, Forbes

How to Build Your Personal Brand as a CEO, CEO Today

How to Find Your Leadership Style, According to Successful CEOs, Payscale






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